ERP Solution for Finance and Team Leads

Monitor hours and predict output

No matter the size of your business or the number of employees you manage, having the right tools to stay mobile is essential. Log in and track your time via any device, from any location.

Customized to support your workflows

This tool facilitates your workflow by providing task management, time-tracking, and weekly timesheets.

Plan ahead

Utilize the Day Planner to be proactive and allocate time to complete tasks for the day. For those who like to plan in advance, this is a great tool to help organize and prioritize your activities.

Maximize productivity

Make the most of your time: Launch the desktop timer with one click. Select your task and start counting! Perfect for those who need to track their work accurately.

Record activities

Concentrate on your tasks and don't forget to log your efforts at the conclusion of your workday, especially if you're a professional who bills by the hour or day.

The mobile app that is
fast as you are 

Time is money and you need to know how much time you spend on specific tasks. Whether you're running a small business, freelance professional, or managing employees from different locations, you need your tools to be as mobile as you are. 

Odoo Timesheet allows you to submit time accurately and easily through any device, anywhere. Start the timer on your desktop, or stop and pause it on your phone when you’re on the go.

Forecast needs and 

Monitor performance and easily gather statistics on employee data, project achievements, or concerns. Plan ahead for upcoming projects and schedule your teams, taking into account employees' holidays. Generate forecasts based on similar projects and compare them with real timesheets to better estimate deadlines and increase profitability.

Additional Features

Monitor progress

Visualize your team's progress on every project and task with ease. Track expected hours, actual hours, and reforecasts quickly and accurately. This streamlined process, it's easier than ever to stay on top of deadlines and ensure projects stay on track.

Increase profitability

Track your billable time and view detailed summaries of your project resources with ease. Monitor all the resources allocated to your project and get an overview of your profits and losses.

Instant Insights

Record your timesheets and forecasts using the grid view. As a manager, you'll get immediate visibility into who is working on what. Use filters to make validating and invoicing faster and simpler.

Work offline

Your tasks will keep running no matter where you are, even without an internet connection. Hours tracked while offline are automatically synced to your account as soon as you’re back online, so you never miss a beat.

Get paid faster

Generate accurate and reliable one-time or recurring invoices based on expenses and timesheet entries automatically. Reduce manual errors and save time with automated invoice generation. Streamline your billing process and get paid faster.

Link sales orders

Easily link items in Sales Orders to your timesheets and always have an up-to-date view of the remaining hours on the task when encoding timesheets.

Why Odoo?

Performance Analysis

Gain greater insight into your business performance with real-time statistics on billable hours, billable amounts, uninvoiced totals, and more. Easily measure your employee's productivity and profitability on their projects with detailed reports and data.

  Team Management

Organize your team's workload and keep everyone on track with task and project assignments. Automate the timesheet process and ensure that employees submit their timesheets on time with periodical email reminders. Managers can also approve timesheets quickly and efficiently.

Leave Management

  Leaves can be easily and seamlessly integrated into your timesheet for improved visibility and control over the time spent. This way, you'll have access to up-to-date, accurate data on your employees' leaves and better manage their time.

  Get things done as fast as you can think

Talk to our experts and discuss your Odoo project.

What Happens Next?

Our consultant will schedule a Discovery Call in a few days following an analysis of your Odoo requirements.
Our consultant will schedule a demo to show you how Odoo can help solve your specific problems and challenges.
Our business expert will present you with project estimates, process guidelines and estimated timelines