ERP Solution for Warehouse Management

Inventory Management System​

Keep track of all incoming and outgoing items and easily manage all inventory operations. Configure interactive dashboards to access all operations and process activities such as delivery orders, receptions, drop shipping and back order management.

inventory management system sri lanka

Warehouse Management System

From drop shipping to setting up multiple warehouse systems, Odoo delivers simplicity. Easily configure specific incoming and outgoing shipment rules, and identify resupply mechanisms – be it via subcontractors, manufacturing, or buying with our inventory management system in Sri Lanka. Even automate fulfillment with defined replenishment rules between warehouses, that allow you to adjust quantity thresholds as required.

Product Management

Odoo provides a dynamic interface that’s allows you to access all your products from a single location, easily monitor inventory sales and purchases in progress. Track every stock move from purchase to warehouse bin to sales order, and process batch transfers in just a few clicks. Odoo helps you save a tremendous amount of time in maintaining inventory levels without any manual adjustments.

warehouse management system sri lanka
inventory software in sri lanka


Generate on-demand, real-time reports on forecasts, traceability, and costing. Use filters to summarize reports for a clear snapshot of your inventory assets and dashboards to get an overview of all activities from delivery orders, transfers, pending receptions, and more. Complex operations become easy to manage, from automated procurement, item tracking, and seamless barcode scanner integration – warehouse operations have never run smoother.

Instantly transmit product information 

To scan barcodes with Odoo, the 3 recommended types of barcode scanners to work with the Inventory & Barcode Scanning 
app are the USB scanner, the Bluetooth scanner, and the Mobile Computer scanner.

USB Scanner

Scan products in a fast and easy way. Simply plug it in the computer and scan away, saving time and money.

Bluetooth Scanner

The Bluetooth scanner is a good choice if you want to be mobile but are not looking to make a big investment. It can pair with a smartphone or tablet and can scan products from up to 30 feet away.

Mobile Computer Scanner

The mobile computer scanner is the handiest solution for heavy use. It consists of a small computer with a built-in barcode scanner and connects wirelessly to the host device via Bluetooth or USB.

Additional Features

Double Entry Inventory

Double-entry inventory management in Odoo allows for full traceability from supplier to customer. Everything is moved, and nothing is lost.


Control incoming products and compare them to what was ordered from the supplier, to ensure the accuracy of payments. Odoo can also help you manage back orders by generating partial receipts and credit notes accordingly.

Powerful search

Search documents to process easily and even filter information based on any criteria with barcodes, serial numbers, products, customers, etc

Delivery Orders

Odoo prepares delivery orders for you based on availabilities, ensuring utmost accuracy in order fulfillment and customer satisfaction.

Stock Transfers

Design your own product routes to automate transfer orders between warehouses or locations using the simple transfer interface. Seamlessly make inventory adjustments for a zone, a specific product, a lot, or a pallet/box.

Customer Portal

Allow customer can track their order status using the customer portal, and instantly provide information on orders, invoices, delivery order status, and more. hese icons are completely free for commercial use.

Why Odoo?

Improved Performance ​

Better organize your warehouse with cutting edge automation, the most efficient stocking methods, and streamlined internal operations.​ 

 Supply Chain Management

Fully automate stock replenishments based on future stock forecasts, define advanced routes specific to warehouses, products, or orders to make your supply chain more efficient.

Advanced Reporting Engine

Get real-time dynamic reports that will enable you to make better decisions and obtain actionable insights, easily save and share filters with anyone. Utilize predefined or custom dashboards for easy access to 
important information.

Maximize your warehouse efficiency

Talk to our experts and discuss to implement inventory management software system in Sri Lanka.

What Happens Next?

Our business consultant will reach out to you in a few days following an analysis of your project requirement
Our consultant will schedule a demo to show you how Odoo can help solve your specific problems and challenges.
Our business experts will process guidelines and estimated timelines